Friday, 28 May 2021

Week 16

      Meeting Purpose: Prepared Final Presentation

Meeting Date: 28/5/2021 (Saturday)

Meeting Time: 9.30 P.M

Meeting Location: MS Teams Platform

Meeting Facilitator: Muhammad Nasir bin Aziz

Attendees: Mohamad Saifullah bin Zolkefly, Muhammad Firdaus bin Khalid

Decision Made:

Division of presentation part


We have discussed together to divide the task in the slide presentation on the final day of the presentation. Each of them had to make a section for them to present handing it to Nasir to combine. Each person’s share is given according to the work they do. Points given to each person are equal. Once completed, a rehearsal was made the day before the presentation day, 28/5/2021 so that everything went smoothly as planned.


figure show the Microsoft office team. The presentation on Friday went smoothly. Sir Zaki gave positive feedback. Our group was the first group required to start a presentation. Saifullah and Firdaus played a good role and were able to answer all the questions asked.

Updated by: Muhammad Nasir bin Aziz

Monday, 17 May 2021

Week 15

      Meeting Purpose: Logical Architecture

Meeting Date: 17/5/2021 (Monday)

Meeting Time: 6 P.M

Meeting Location: MS Teams Platform

Meeting Facilitator: Muhammad Nasir bin Aziz

Attendees: Mohamad Saifullah bin Zolkefly, Muhammad Firdaus bin Khalid

Decision Made:


Figure 1: show the solution architecture



·       To build a breakdown of the rough components of the system that brings the most important engineering results.

·       In order to include a function, one or more system decompositions into logical components must be constructed, each function being allocated to one component.

·       Starting from the analysis of previous functional and non -functional needs.

·       This logic component shifts to basic breakdowns for development / sub-contracting, integration, reuse, product and configuration management item definitions.



The selected logical architecture, which is described by a functional description, components and justified interfaces definition, scenarios, modes, and states, as well as the formalisation of all viewpoints and how they are taken into account in the component design are all outputs of this engineering phase.

Updated by: Muhammad Nasir bin Aziz

Friday, 14 May 2021

Week 14


Meeting Purpose:         To produce Proteus design & simulation for the project.
Meeting Date:               12/5/2021 (Wednesday)
Meeting Time:              9 P.M
Meeting Location:        MS Teams Platform
Meeting Facilitator:     Mohamad Saifullah bin Zolkefly
Attendees                    Muhammad Firdaus bin Khaled, Muhammad Nasir bin Aziz.

Decision Made:
1. Finalized all components
        - The main components used are 6 push-buttons, 2 motors (conveyor & water pump), Arduino Nano, buzzer, and LCD.

2. Proteus Design:

Figure 1: Proteus design for the project.
3. Proteus Simulation:

    Figure 1 shows the Proteus design to illustrate the operation of our bottle filling machine. The setup push button is placed at the bottom left which consists of Start, Stop, Up, and Set Timer. The other push button is for IR sensors 1 and 2. IR S1 used to detect the presence of empty bottles before the filling process. If the IR S1 detects the bottle, it sends a command to the Arduino Nano to stop the conveyor and then turn on the water pump for the filling process. The filling process depends on the setting timers parameters. After done filling, the water pump then turns off back and the conveyor motor starts to move back. The filled bottle then moves in front of IR S2 for the counting process. This process repeating until the machine is turned off. The design also comes with an adjustable timers button for setting up the timers according to the required time for the filling process.

In the conclusion, the outcome we get is able to complete the design for the simulation stage using proteus. All the execution program and simulation phases are working just fine as planned.

Updated by: Mohamad Saifullah bin Zolkefly

Friday, 7 May 2021

Week 13


Meeting Purpose:         To produce operational analysis by using Capella software.
Meeting Date:               5/5/2021 (Wednesday)
Meeting Time:              9 P.M
Meeting Location:        MS Teams Platform
Meeting Facilitator:     Mohamad Saifullah bin Zolkefly
Attendees                    Muhammad Firdaus bin Khaled, Muhammad Nasir bin Aziz.

Decision Made:
1. Operational Entity Breakdown [OEBD]

Figure 1: OEBD.

2. Operational Capabilities [OCB]

Figure 2: OCB.

3. Operational Entity Scenario [OES] - Liquid Bottling

Figure 3: OES - Liquid Bottling.

4. Operational Entity Scenario [OES] - Machine Setup & Maintenance

Figure 4: OES - Machine Setup & Maintenance.

5. Operational Entity Scenario [OES] - Yield Monitoring

Figure 5: OES - Yield Monitoring.

6. Operational Activity Interaction Diagram [OAIB]

Figure 6: OAIB.

7. Operational Architecture Diagram [OAB]

Figure 7: OAB.

    Figure 1 until 7 shows the Capella design of Operational Analysis. Figure 1 shows the design results for the Operational Entity Breakdown [OEBD] which consists of 3 actors (Operator, Supervisor & Technician) and 1 main entity (Bottle Filling Machine) with 2 sub-entities (Bottles & Liquid). Figure 2 shows the design results of Operational Capabilities [OCB] which consists of Liquid Bottling, Machine Setup & Maintenance, and Yield Monitoring. The details of this OCB then being elaborated in Operational Entity Scenario [OES] in Figures 3, 4, and 5. For Liquid Bottling, only the operator involves in this operation since they are required to placing the empty bottles on the conveyor. The empty bottles then moving through the conveyor until reached in front of the first IR Sensor. The interaction between this two actor and entity is named bottle placement. If the bottles are detected then the filling process begins. Meanwhile, for Machine Setup & Maintenance, the only technicians involve throughout the process. The technician is needed for machine setup for running different models of products and as well as to do the maintenance part if the machine is breakdown due to some undesirable things happens for example malfunction water pump and conveyor motor. For Yield Monitoring, only the Supervisor involve in this stage since they are the person responsible for monitoring the yield produce and to plan the next schedule of running products. In the Operational Activity Interaction Diagram [OAIB] as shown in Figure 6 is the complete process of the previous define operation is arranged nicely and then adding several processes named the filling process, the counting process, the setup process, maintenance process, and monitoring process. Last but not least is the overall design of the Operational Architecture Diagram [OAB] as shown in Figure 7. The OAB shows all the interconnection between all the actors and entities involve complete with the process that occurs.

In the conclusion, the outcome we get is able to design the Operational Analysis for our project by using Capella. The main reference for the design is based on the context diagram of this project which has been described more in terms of process and interaction happens. Design by using Capella definitely make the process much easier but required a lot of time to practicing and understanding more about the MBSE tool. 

Updated by: Mohamad Saifullah bin Zolkefly